Charity Wairimu Age 27


Your sponsorship of $125 per month will give this precious child the necessities to survive and the tools to thrive. Your monthly pledge will help pay for food, clothing, schooling, living expenses, and medical treatment, giving them the opportunity to live a life they only dared to dream.

Click on the sponsor button above to start this incredible journey.

Charity Wairimu is currently sponsored by What If Media Group from Fort Lee, NJ. Thank you What If Media Group.

UPDATE: Charity is now almost 20 - and she is almost done with high school. Recently her sponsor needed to drop her funding and is unable to continue to help us support Charity. We are now in need of a new sponsor for her. This is an important time in Charity's life as she begins to get ready to transition out of full time care and into society. We are hoping for a sponsor that would be willing to write a letter now and then to encourage her as she goes through this process. It's so vital to us to help her graduate with confidence and the tools she needs to make it on her own. Can you help her?

Meet Charity, a 16 year old young lady who dreams of becoming a lawyer. Charity is currently not able to attend school because of her inability to pay. Her father is no longer living and her mother is often too sick to find any sort of work. While Charity was in school, she absolutely loved it and truly enjoyed studying and learning, especially History class. Because she is not able to attend school right now, and because her mother is usually too sick to work, Charity searches out jobs during the day (weeding fields and washing clothes) so that the family can earn some money for food and clothes. If Charity is not able to find work when her mother is ill, she and her siblings do not get to eat. Charity told us that if she is able to get back into school, she will "work hard to achieve my dream." Charity has a shy smile that makes us smile right back.

Built on love and hope.
© 2025 Mighty Acorn Foundation // Acknowledgements