
"The creation of a thousand forests is in one tiny acorn."

It has been such an incredible thing to witness so many connections formed and lives impacted through the sponsors and friends of the Mighty Acorn Foundation.  Read the stories of hopes and dreams ignited, of hearts connected, and of lives being changed. The impact is profound, not only for our children, but for you! If you have a story about a Mighty Acorn you are connected to, or a story about ways you and your family have helped make a difference, we would love to hear how it has impacted you. Together we  make a difference one child at a time.

The Eccles Family loves on Button Houston, TX

There is something so much fun about sitting down as a family making books for our Button-And this one might just be my favorite. A voice recorded card inserted in our book- I asked my girls to say anything they wanted to say to Button. Caroline chose to say "you rock" which totally cracks me up and Addison said you're awesome. Can't wait for our sweet boy to hear the voices of his "states sisters" as he calls them!! 

The Farina Family Matiland, FL

"Gianna never would have dreamed she would have a sister half way around the world.  But through letters and photos and pictures, Harriet really doesn't feel that far away at all.  Our MA journey has not only helped a little girl in Kenya, it has also taught a little girl in Florida some amazing life lessons. Thank you Mighty Acorn!"

Kiara and Viona Kitale, Kenya

From Kiara's blog...
I spent the entire service with Viona on my lap with her playing with my hair, buttoning and unbuttoning my jean jacket and glancing up with a grin every few say she was a distraction would be a huge understatement. But I do love knowing that she loves me just as much as I love her; you can tell by the way she is always by my side, the way she lights up when I just glance at her, the way she is always looking out for me and trying to carry my backpack for me and that when I feel a slender hand wrapping itself around mine I can almost always look down to see her cheeky smile beaming back up at me. Oh Viona, I love you.

John & Tara Henry Fort Wayne, IN

Valentine was one of the first girls that John met on his trip with the Matilda Jane 'guys' to Kitale. It is with great pleasure that we are able to sponsor Valentine and her twin sister Ivonne.  We correspond via letters and it is always exciting to see pictures posted online of our girls.

The Pickard Family Fort Wayne, IN

Payton today wrote a letter to her "brother" in Kenya. Love her mind and how she watching her grow into this lovely young lady. Thank you Mighty Acorn Foundation for having us on this incredible journey!! It is changing our lives already, we are so thankful!

David DeMarchis Fort Wayne, IN

"What I will remember most is Pastor Richard gathering Brian, Clinton, and Nancy and pulling them aside and letting me give the backpacks stuffed with gifts and clothes that I brought over for them. And I told them, and Pastor Richard translated for me, that I was so happy to meet them and so happy to see them and that Denise misses them terribly and that they are loved by us and that they are thought of often. And then I sat down next to Nancy and I showed her the cute little animal backpack I brought over and all of the goodies inside and she just smiled and said thank you and then smiled some more and said thank you and she was just so sweet and I don't think she had ever received a gift before in her life! Then I sat down next to Brian and gave him his hot wheel backpack filled with clothes and books and toys. And he just smiled and smiled and wouldn’t stop. And then I gave Clinton his backpack and showed him the Legos I brought over and explained that Legos are a building toy - kinda like a puzzle. And I showed him his new clothes (perhaps the only new clothes he has ever been given) and his books for reading, and the photo album of all three of them and also of pictures of their family in Indiana with pictures of us and Gabe and Joe and Franklin. I think they were confused as to why we would have a picture of our dog:). And I told them - trembling as i type this - that we will always be thinking of them and praying for them that they are safe and healthy and happy and that we cannot wait to come back and see them again…."

Lisa Paul Houston, TX

Wow. Mighty Acorns, never have I felt so moved in my life. I'm overwhelmed with emotions - thank you for what you have done and for what you continue to do. My family is forever changed for the better. What an amazing way for us to come together - I'm just... Wow. God is good.

Kylee meets her new brothers Kitale, Kenya

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about these two. They stole my hearts Toney and Emanuel. My two baby brothers can't wait till we are reunited

Built on love and hope.
© 2025 Mighty Acorn Foundation // Acknowledgements