Elvis Ogwayo Age 18


Your sponsorship of $125 per month will give this precious child the necessities to survive and the tools to thrive. Your monthly pledge will help pay for food, clothing, schooling, living expenses, and medical treatment, giving them the opportunity to live a life they only dared to dream.

Click on the sponsor button above to start this incredible journey.

UPDATE: Elivs is now 18 and in Form 3; or as we would say - he's a junior. He loves going to school, especially when he can be in the new computer lab at Seed's high school. He dreams of being an architect and working with computers after he graduates. High School's pretty demanding so he doesn't have much free time, but when he does he likes playing "football" or soccer. Elvis is a great young man, he's funny and likes to connect.  We're looking for a new sponsor for Elvis to send him a letter once in a while and encourage him as he works his way through high school. Would you like to sponsor him?

ORIGINAL STORY: This is Elvis, he's 14 years old and has walked through some pretty difficult times already.  He lost her mom sometime back after she lost a long battle with stomach cancer. Shortly after his mom's death Elvis' father became mentally ill and unable to function to support his family. It wasn't long before it was hard for him and his sisters to have even the very basic of needs met. Life for them became so difficult... so horrible that someone called our partners at Seed's and told them to please come and assess the situation. Hellen said as soon as they arrived she knew Elvis and his sisters needed to be removed right away - they couldn't wait for a sponsor. So Elvis has already been placed in the safety of Seed's Children's Home. Now we need to find a sponsor for him. Would you be able to help? Send a letter now and then - with encouraging words. That simple act will add such value to his life. Can you help?

Josephine Adhiambo
Christine Auma
Built on love and hope.
© 2025 Mighty Acorn Foundation // Acknowledgements