Ian Wasike Age 12


Your sponsorship of $125 per month will give this precious child the necessities to survive and the tools to thrive. Your monthly pledge will help pay for food, clothing, schooling, living expenses, and medical treatment, giving them the opportunity to live a life they only dared to dream.

Click on the sponsor button above to start this incredible journey.

Ian Wasike is currently sponsored by Branley Doll from Battle Ground, IN. Thank you Branley Doll.

 Ian Wasike the youngest of four siblings  has been staying with them on Mt. Elgon after his parents past away. His oldest brother has been caring for the family ever since. Ian  is in the 3rd grade and loves playing soccer during her free time. 

Triza Namuliza
Meshack Odour
Built on love and hope.
© 2024 Mighty Acorn Foundation // Acknowledgements