Michelle Munala Age 19


Your sponsorship of $125 per month will give this precious child the necessities to survive and the tools to thrive. Your monthly pledge will help pay for food, clothing, schooling, living expenses, and medical treatment, giving them the opportunity to live a life they only dared to dream.

Click on the sponsor button above to start this incredible journey.

Michelle Munala is currently sponsored by Maggi, C. from Brandon, Ms. Thank you Maggi.

UPDATE: WOW - Michelle has thrived so much since being at Seed's Children's home. She is now 14 and now in the 10th grade at Seed's High School. She loves school and is a great student. We were recently told she is position 2 in her class. As we've gotten to know Michelle - she is sweet, soft spoken and always helping with the smaller children. She's growing up into a beautiful young lady both inside and out. She's got the best smile and giggle - which are her constantly evident. 

Because of some life changes her current sponsor has needed to pass Michelle's sponsorship on to a new sponsor. So we are looking for someone else to come alongside Michelle as she continues through high school - someone that will encourage her through these next critical years. Are you that person? Would you be willing to help us with her support and help her with encouraging letters?

Original story:  She is an adorable nine year old who is currently in the fifth grade and plans to be a teacher some day. She lives with her three year old sister Whitney and they have no living parents. They live just outside the Kipsongo Slums with their grandmother. Michelle and her sister are fortunate to have a "friend" who frequently visits a nearby cafe and purchases food for her and her sister, but usually just one meal a day. Michelle currently does not attend Seeds Academy but prays that she and her sister will one day be able to do so and live in the new orphanage. We learned during our interview that her grandfather does not want her living with him and his wife. This admission brought tears to Michelle's eyes, but she wiped they away quickly . . . and defiantly, not wanting to seem weak.

Eldah Ndungu
Whitney Ngaira
Built on love and hope.
© 2024 Mighty Acorn Foundation // Acknowledgements