Ruth Akiru Age 22


Your sponsorship of $125 per month will give this precious child the necessities to survive and the tools to thrive. Your monthly pledge will help pay for food, clothing, schooling, living expenses, and medical treatment, giving them the opportunity to live a life they only dared to dream.

Click on the sponsor button above to start this incredible journey.

UPDATE #2: We love watching Ruth continue to succeed. She's now 20 and in her second year of college. Ruth is take advantage of the opportunity sponsorship has brought. She is very aware that her life would have been much different without sponsorship. Ruth has been most recently sponsored through Matilda Jane Clothing, and with the recent closing of the company we are now looking for a new sponsor to come along side her as she finishes her schooling and begins her adult life. She's smart, friendly and filled with gratitude. Would you consider sponsoring her and connecting through letters?

UPDATE: Ruth is now 17. For the last 2 years she has thrived at Seed's Children's Home. Things for her have gotten so much better and she loves being at Seed's, in a safe place with the ability to go to school. She's now in high school and doing well. Her first sponsor recently needed to drop their sponsorship so we are looking for someone new to come along side her. She loves letters and communicates well in English - she would enjoy connecting with your family .

Meet Ruth, she's 15 and could really use some good things happening in her life. She lost her dad some time back to illness. After her he passed away, Ruth's uncle decided all that his brother had was now his and he took everything from Ruth and her mother, leaving them with virtually nothing. Recently her mom has gotten very ill, and is not expected to survive. With all the difficulties she has been facing it's no wonder she has begun to loose hope. Our partners came to her mom and offered a safe place for Ruth. 

Ruth has recently moved into the children's home and her life is beginning to get slightly better. We need to find Ruth a sponsor quickly, so she can stay in the Children's Home. Can you come alongside this young lady and help her feel valued and like her life is worth living? Can you make a difference in her world?

Built on love and hope.
© 2025 Mighty Acorn Foundation // Acknowledgements