Valentine Likeve Age 18


Your sponsorship of $125 per month will give this precious child the necessities to survive and the tools to thrive. Your monthly pledge will help pay for food, clothing, schooling, living expenses, and medical treatment, giving them the opportunity to live a life they only dared to dream.

Click on the sponsor button above to start this incredible journey.

Valentine has a beautiful, nurturing spirit. She cares for others deeply and only wants what's best for them. She is happy and laughs often, but every now and then you can catch a glimpse of pain in her eyes from a past life of difficulties that her and her twin sister Ivonne faced. In their village, twins were viewed as a curse- it was believed that if you didn't kill one of the twin babies, they would grow up and kill their father. Their father, among other members of the village, were pressuring their mother to kill either Valentine or Ivonne. Unwilling to do that, their mother snuck away with her two babies late one night when they were only three days old. She had no real idea of where to go or what to do, she just knew they had to get to safety. But safety never really came. Their mother and baby Valentine and Ivonne settled into the Kipsongo slum, where everyday was a struggle for them. She did her best to care and provide for them, but as they got older it only got more difficult. By the time our partners stepped in, Valentine and Ivonne were seven years old. They weren't going to school, and they often went without food, water, and other basic necessities. It has been six years since then, and the change and growth in both of them is unbelievable. They have hope for their future and know that they can achieve anything they set their minds to. Valentine wants to be a teacher when she's older and she thanks her sponsor and the Mighty Acorn Foundation for making it so her dreams can become a reality.

Ivonne Likeve
Built on love and hope.
© 2025 Mighty Acorn Foundation // Acknowledgements